I need in help on our production setup so I will describe our setup and
issues below.

Solr is constantly going down even if there is no load / traffic. We have
recovery scripts for that but sometimes recovery is not going well because
nodes can't elect a leader so sometimes shards are unsusable / indexable.
When we manually add replicas, sometimes it adds a lot more than we invoked
(There was one time where we added 1 and got 8 after an hour).

So our setup is like this:

We are deployed in AWS.

We have a load balancer on top of the solr nodes. We have a load balancer on
top of zookeeper / exhibitor.
We have scripts in the solr and zk nodes that will autorestart docker
containers if it goes down.

So my question is if is it ok to have load balancers on top of a zookeeper
or should we use elastic ip's instead?

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