Thank you very much for this reply!

Thank you for pointing out our error in having an ELB on top of a zookeeper.
We did this so that we could recover a node if it goes down without the need
to have a rolling restart of the solr nodes. I guess we will try an elastic
IP instead because part of our requirement is that it should automatically
spawn an EC2 instance with a zk node if for some reason one instance fails.
I guess this way we still won't need to restart our solr nodes and still
replace the zknode(s) behind an elastic IP?

I'm guessing we are experiencing problems with leader election because the
solr nodes can't maintain a tcp connection with the zknodes but I don't have
a way of proving that so our team can't really pitch this to our architect.
I hope someone here can help me with this since it has been a problem for a
LONG time now and we are getting a lot of flak from the other stakeholders
because of this.

Anyway thank you for the reply! I hope we can solve this soon!!

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