On Sep 23, 2008, at 5:39 PM, Ensdorf Ken wrote:

At this point, it's roll your own.

That's where I'm getting bogged down - I'm confused by the various queryparser classes in lucene and solr and I'm not sure exactly what I need to override. Do you know of an example of something similar to what I'm doing that I could use as a reference?

I'm no QueryParser expert, but I would probably start w/ the default query parser in Solr (LuceneQParser), and then progress a bit to the DisMax one. I'd ask specific questions based on what you see there. If you get far enough along, you may consider asking for help on the java-user list as well.

I'd love to see the BTQ in Solr
(and Spans!), but I wonder if it makes sense w/o better indexing side
support.  I assume you are rolling your own Analyzer, right?

Yup - I'm pretty sure I have that side figured out. My input contains terms marked up with a score (ie 'software?7') I just needed to create a TokenFilter that parses out the suffix and sets the Payload on the token.

Cool.  Patch?

Spans and payloads are this huge untapped area for better search!

Completely agree - we do a lot with keyword searching, and we use this type of thing in our existing search implementation. Thanks for the quick response!

On Sep 23, 2008, at 5:12 PM, Ensdorf Ken wrote:


I'm new to Solr, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to
configure it to use BoostingTermQuery in the scoring mechanism.  Do
I need to create a custom query parser?  All I want is the default
parser behavior except to get the custom term boost from the Payload
data.  Thanks!


Grant Ingersoll

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Grant Ingersoll

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