On 6/21/2018 9:41 AM, Matthew Faw wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.  According to the MIGRATE documentation, the split.key 
> parameter is required, and removing it returns a missing parameter exception. 
>  I’ve tried setting the “split.key=DERP_”, and after doing that I still see 
> no documents in the destination collection.  Additionally, the CLUSTERSTATUS 
> command indicates that the routeRanges using this split key are 
> "routeRanges": "16f98178-16f98178", but when I use the split.key=DERP/0!, I 
> get the route ranges I expect (80000000-ffffffff on one shard, and 0-7fffffff 
> on the other).
> So, to me, it seems like this particular API endpoint does not work.  I’d 
> love for someone to prove me wrong.

I have no idea how I managed to NOT see that parameter in the MIGRATE
section of the docs.  I was looking through the parameter list in the
6.6 version earlier and didn't even see it there, but when I just looked
at it right now, it's there plain as day, and says it's required.  I did
see it mentioned in the *text* of the MIGRATE section, just not in the
list of parameters.

The fact that this parameter is required makes no sense to me.  I cannot
say for sure, but since using routing prefixes with SolrCloud is not
required, requiring a split key when migrating seems wrong to me.

I tried a test on the 7.3.0 cloud example where I manually created a
bunch of documents in one collection and then tried to do a MIGRATE with
"split.key=".  I got some errors in the log:

ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _0(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped
ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _1(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped
ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _3(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped
ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _4(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped

Are you seeing ERROR or WARN in your log?

Just to be sure, I also reloaded the target collection, and I didn't see
any documents in it.


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