Solr does need to know what field(s) you want to search. And you can
configure all of these things in solrconfig.xml, so the user does not
have to provide that.

Just remember, unless you really know what you are doing, you should
not be exposing Solr directly to the user/browser. Think of it more
like a database with another layer between it and user-queries.
Otherwise, somebody could delete your whole index, etc.


On 29 July 2018 at 09:11, Renuka Srishti <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any possible way to perform search by using "q" or "query"
> parameter without setting "df" parameter or "qf" parameter.
> for example: I am passing "q":"xyz"
> I have to mention the field for which I want to perform query otherwise I
> will not get results.
> What is the way if I want to search on all documents without mentioning any
> field.
> for example : I am passing "q":"xyz"
> If I query like that, it should return all the documents containing that
> value. No need to mention the fields.
> Thanks
> Renuka Srishti

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