I believe correct formats for OR search query are the following: id:(id1 or id2) id:id1 or id:id2
When I tried searching with "id:id1 or id2", it is parsing the query into "id:id1 or _text_:id2" where _text_ is the field from solr's default config set. Also, for this, I need to add the _text_ field into my schema.xml otherwise it returns an error saying "error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException", "root-error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException"], "msg":"undefined field _text_", "code":400}} I get it that query statement "id:id1 or id2" is incorrect and no wonder solr is returning the up written error but what I didn't understand is why isn't this happening for the Leader Node. Irrespective of the search query, Leader Node is always parsing the query correctly and this is not the case for some particular Leader node. At first, Core_Node2 was returning the error but after some time leader switched and Core_Node1 started returning the error while Core_Node2 parsing the query correctly. And by correctly I mean that "id:id1 or id2" is being parsed to "id:1 (id:or id:2)". I also found the similar issue on StackOverflow.(guess it's not just me) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41799251/solr-query-http-error-400-undefined-field-text Can anyone explain me this parsing behaviour? Thanks a lot in advance. -- Sent from: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html