Disregard that last part asking about the reporter. That’s the person who 
reported the issue... it just sounded like a Solr logging feature. I will check 
if a reload works.
From: Kelly Rusk <kelly.r...@rackspace.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 11:09:24 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Solr 6.6.2 ManagedSchema Replication

Thanks Shawn,

I haven’t tried the reload. I just saw that the files appear to not be copied 
over when I compare the managed-schema in the file system of Master and Slave.

What is the reporter? Where would I access that to check? I am running Solr on 
Windows (platform governance requirement).

Thanks again for all your help and direction.



From: Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 10:53 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Solr 6.6.2 ManagedSchema Replication

On 8/18/2018 6:56 PM, Kelly Rusk wrote:
> Hello Shawn,
> Someone else appears to have opened the same issue as what I require: 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9382
> Do you have a recommended workaround as this issue is 2 years old without 
> resolution?

I've got no idea here.

I'm assuming you have put managed-schema into the confFiles section of
your replication handler.

Do you find that it doesn't get copied at all, or are you finding what
the reporter on SOLR-9382 found -- that the files were copied, but a
reload was required to get the changes to take effect?


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