I have a ruby on rails application that used solr and the sunspot rails gem
for search. For development I just run solr locally and that's been working
fine. But I'm trying to set up a stand-alone solr server for production. So
I installed it on its own server and created the core for my site. I updated
my application config file to point to the solr server and was able to
populate the index for my site from the command line on my application
server; so the server itself can communicate with the solr server. I also
able to verify this via the Solr Admin panel; I can see that my data is
there. But when I try to access search through my web application I'm
getting Errno::EACCES Permission denied -- connect(2) for <the solr IP
address> port 8983.

I'm thinking this is probably some sort of file permission issue but I have
no clue what. I can't find anything written in the solr logs.

I'm using the default setup for solr using java 1.8 and solr 5.4.1. The
install directory is /opt/solr and the data directory is in /var/solr. Both
of these directories are owned by solr and the process is also started on
behalf of the solr issue.

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