On 8/23/2018 1:36 PM, cyndefromva wrote:
But when I try to access search through my web application I'm
getting Errno::EACCES Permission denied -- connect(2) for <the solr IP
address> port 8983.

This sounds like an error message from your rails app.  You may need to ask whoever created the Solr client that you are using.  There are no ruby clients from the Solr project -- it's guaranteed to be third party, and this mailing list is probably going to be unable to help with it.

I'm thinking this is probably some sort of file permission issue but I have
no clue what. I can't find anything written in the solr logs.

Because this is not a Solr error, I cannot tell you what it means.  Is there more detail to the error, or have you shared the whole thing?  What ruby client for Solr are you using?

So you don't see anything in the logfile called solr.log, most likely in /var/solr/logs?

You may need to get a packet capture of the Solr traffic, assuming that the Solr traffic isn't using https.


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