Depends on whether you are using Solr or solrcloud. Solrcloud distributes data 
into shards so it increases overall capacity.

Rahul Singh
Chief Executive Officer
m 202.905.2818

Anant Corporation
1010 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 250
Washington, D.C. 20007

We build and manage digital business technology platforms.
On Sep 13, 2018, 4:50 AM -0400, Rekha <>, wrote:
> Hi Solr Team,
> I am new to SOLR. I need following clarification from you.
> How many documents can be stored in one core? Is there any limit for number 
> of fields per document? How many Core&rsquo;s can be created in on SOLR? Is 
> there any other limitation is there based on the Disk storage size? I mean 
> some of the database has the 10 GM limit, I have asked like that. Can we use 
> SOLR as a database?
> Thanks,Rekha Karthick

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