
The mail server is pretty aggressive about stripping attachments, your
png didn't come though. You might also get a more informed answer on
the Tika mailing list.

That said (and remember I can't see your png so this may be a silly
question), how are you executing the program .vs. compiling it? You
mentioned the "build path". I'm usually lazy and just execute it in
IntelliJ for development and have forgotten to set my classpath on
_numerous_ occasions when running it from a command line ;)


On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 2:55 AM Martin Frank Hansen (MHQ) <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to read content of msg-files using Tika and index these in Solr, 
> however I am having some problems with the OfficeParser(). I keep getting the 
> error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for the OfficeParcer, even though both 
> tika-core and tika-parsers are included in the build path.
> I am using Java with the following code:
> public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException,SAXException, 
> TikaException {
>                             processDocument(pathtofile)
>                              }
>                             private static void processDocument(String 
> pathfilename)  {
>                                  try {
>                                                         File file = new 
> File(pathfilename);
>                                                         Metadata meta = new 
> Metadata();
>                                                          InputStream input = 
> TikaInputStream.get(file);
>                                                          BodyContentHandler 
> handler = new BodyContentHandler();
>                                                         Parser parser = new 
> OfficeParser();
>                                                          ParseContext context 
> = new ParseContext();
>                                                          parser.parse(input, 
> handler, meta, context);
>                                                          String doccontent = 
> handler.toString();
> System.out.println(doccontent);
> System.out.println(meta);
>                                  }
>                              }
> In the buildpath I have the following dependencies:
> Any help is appreciate.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Martin Hansen
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