Hi Jan,

Setup Details

Mach-1 -->20Gb RAM.
Apps running :OracleDb,WeblogicServer(services deployed to call
solr),*OneSolr Node*,*One Zookeeper node*
Mach-2 -->20Gb RAM
Apps running :*One Solr Node*,*Two zookeeper nodes*.

Solr collection details : ~8k docs,~140MB size on disc,One shard on machine
1 and two replicas on mach-1 and mach-2

We did a jmeter load testing with 50 users 30 iterations i.e 1500
requests.In each call solr is called three times due to requirements.

What we noticed is when load on mach-1 goes high upto ~12 and memory
utilization goes high and then some requests time out.

Is this expected from zookeeper when load is too high?


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