On 12/27/2018 10:18 AM, AshB wrote:
Mach-1 -->20Gb RAM.
Apps running :OracleDb,WeblogicServer(services deployed to call
solr),*OneSolr Node*,*One Zookeeper node*
Mach-2 -->20Gb RAM
Apps running :*One Solr Node*,*Two zookeeper nodes*.

Hopefully you're aware that this setup is not fault tolerant.  If you lose machine 2, your zookeeper loses quorum and Solr will go read-only.  You must have three separate machines for zookeeper fault tolerance.  That is how zookeeper is designed.See the note here:


Since version 5.0, Solr is no longer supported in third-party containers like weblogic.  It can still be done, but you're on your own.


What we noticed is when load on mach-1 goes high upto ~12 and memory
utilization goes high and then some requests time out.

When the system load goes high like that, what program is consuming CPU?

A screenshot of a detailed process listing from each server might be helpful.  Here's how to gather that:



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