On 1/9/2019 9:00 AM, Senthil0809 wrote:
  I am new to this tool and we are planning to implement Apache Solr for
Search and match process . Here I have added some of my requirement .

1. We have 500 concurrent user for search and match process to pull the
details from record
2. Around 50000 request will happen on daily basis .

please suggest me what are all the requirement to be added in solr .

We cannot answer that question. There's not enough information here to even make a guess.

Yes, I'm being completely serious.

And even with more information, all we will be able to do is guess.  The guesses we can make will always err on the side of more hardware with higher cost, and usually you'll be reminded that it's just a guess that could turn out to be wrong.

The only way to REALLY know what you're going to need is to actually build it and try it.



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