
I have spent a few hours trying to understand why I get this error.

RunUpdateProcessor has received an AddUpdateCommand containing a document that 
appears to still contain Atomic document update operations, most likely because 
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory was explicitly disabled from this 

I am trying to do a part update of a record Using either Solo ( through a POST 
update ) or SolrJ, in both cases I have the same error. It must be 
configuration problem but I can’t find out what is is, even after having sent a 
few hours on the web.

I run Solr on 2 different servers one with solr 5.4.1 and an other with solr 
7.5.0 with the same problem.

Adding a new document works fine but trying to update the text field always 
come back with this error.

My SolrJ code is quite simple.

                HttpSolrClient client = new 
                client.setParser(new XMLResponseParser());

                SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
                query.set("q", "userid:18278456");
                QueryResponse response = client.query(query);
                SolrDocumentList docList = response.getResults();
                System.out.println("docList: " + docList.size());       
                if( docList.size() == 0  )
                        SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
                        doc.addField("userid", "18278456");
                        doc.addField("text", _data);
                        for (SolrDocument doc : docList)
                                System.out.println("existing doc id: " + 
                                SolrInputDocument _updatedoc = new 
                                Map<String, String> partialUpdate = new 
HashMap<String, String>();
                                partialUpdate.put("set", _data);
                                _updatedoc.addField("id", doc.get("id"));
                                _updatedoc.addField("text", partialUpdate);

And my POST solr requests

for a Add ( this works ) Content-Type: application/json


With the raw body [{"userid":"18278456","text":"test”}]

For part update ( responds with the above error ) Content-Type: application/json

With the raw body 

id is my uniqueId

Defined as follow in my schema.xml

                <field name="id" type="uuid" indexed="true" stored="true" 
default="NEW" />


         <fieldType name="uuid" class="solr.UUIDField" indexed="true" />

I won’t put the solrconfig.xml in the email but after using my custom one with 
unsuccessful tries I took the one in exemple/example-DIH/solr folder with the 
same result.

Any idea what I could do wrong is welcome !! Thanks in advance.


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