Yes. But You haven’t told us what _type_ of field you’re working with though. 
If it’s a “string” type, then ComplexPhraseQueryParser won’t work. Looking 
again at your example it looks as though you are using strings. Then try
abc\ d*

Adding debug=query to your url will show you how the query gets parsed and may 
help considerably.


> On Mar 31, 2019, at 7:24 AM, Ahemad Ali <> 
> wrote:
> Erick,I tried complexqueryparser, still no result.Escape white space, do you 
> mean to say using "\" ?Thanks,Ahemad 
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
>  On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 1:22, Erick Erickson<> wrote: 
>   Try complexphrasequeryparser. If (and only if) you always want to search
> from the beginning of the content, you might be able to use string rather
> than text-based Fields but make sure to escape whitespace...
> Best,
> Erick
> On Sat, Mar 30, 2019, 10:33
> <> wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> I have field with white spaces and special characters on which indexing
>> needs to be done to do wildcard querying.
>> It works for most of the scnearios with wildcard search.
>> e.g. if my data is "" and "abc_pqr" and "ali abc" and "ahemad ali"
>> then search with ali* gives this three results.
>> But I am not able to search with say -  ali a*
>> Search with query q="ali abc" gives exact match and desired result.
>> I want to do wildcard search where criteria can include spaces like
>> example - "ahemad a* or ahemad a*
>> i.e. if space is present then I am not able to to wildcard search.
>> Is there any way by which wildcard search will be achieved even if space
>> is present in token.
>> The field type have is below:
>>     <fieldType name="string_rev"class="solr.TextField"
>> sortMissingLast="true">
>>     <analyzer type="index">
>>         <tokenizerclass="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
>>         <filterclass="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
>>         <filterclass="solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory"pattern="[\s+]"
>> replacement=""replace="all" />
>>         <filterclass="solr.ReversedWildcardFilterFactory" />
>>     </analyzer>
>>     <analyzer type="query">
>>         <tokenizerclass="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
>>         <filterclass="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
>>         <filterclass="solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory"pattern="[\s+]"
>> replacement=""replace="all" />
>>     </analyzer>
>> </fieldType>
>> Any help would be great.
>> Thanks,Ahemad Ali

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