Hi, I need some recommendations w/ some issues I'm having w/ solr search

Here is my index/hardware config:
- CentOS on 8 quad core xeon processors @ 3.16 Ghz
- 32 GB RAM
- Tomcat and JAVA 1.6
- Solr 1.3
~15 million documents .
- Index size on disk is about 22 GB
- 8 quad core xeon processors @ 3.16 Ghz
- there 25 fields in the index
- I'm using dismax w/ 9 query fields and 3 phrase fields being searched,  -
the other fields are used for faceting
- I usually have at least 1 filter query

Currently, I'm getting query times between 6-12 seconds, I'm looking to
speed this up to sub .25 sec (250ms) without sharding. Can anyone recommend
any techniques? I've already looked at the Solr wiki and done most of the
optimizations. Here are some steps I'm considering using:

- Stop using dismax and use the standard 1 field query and cram everything
into 1 field. That will speed up searching but might reduce relevancy.
- Keep the index as lean as possible


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