bq. I thought different JAVA instances at different ports are separated by each 

Not at all. If that were true, how would you use more than one physical 
machine? The combination URL:PORT is, from Solr’s perspective, just some Solr 
node. There’s no assumption about what machine it’s running on, whether there 
are two or more JVMs on the same machine etc.


> On Apr 3, 2019, at 7:16 AM, Bernd Fehling <> 
> wrote:
> I have SolrCloud with a collection "test1" with 5 shards 2 replicas accoss 5 
> server.
> This cloud is started at port 8983 on each server.
> Now I have a second collection "test2" with 5 shards 1 replica accross the 
> same
> 5 server. But this second collection is started in seperate JAVA instances at
> port 7574 on all 5 server.
> Both JAVA instances use the same zookeeper pool but each collection has its 
> own
> config in zookeeper.
> If I now use the Admin GUI at port 8983 and select "Cloud"->"Graph" I see 
> both collections.
> Also with Admin GUI at port port 7574.
> And I can select both collection in "Collection Selection" dropdown box.
> Why and is this how it should be?
> I thought different JAVA instances at different ports are separated by each 
> other?
> Regards,
> Bernd

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