The best option is to run all the collections at the same port. Intra-cluster 
communication cannot be split over multiple ports, so this would require big 
internal changes to Solr. And what about communication that does not belong to 
a collection, like electing an overseer node?

Why do you want the very non-standard configuration?

If you must have it, run a webserver like nginx on each node, configure it to 
do this crazy multiple port thing for external traffic and to forward all 
traffic to Solr’s single port.

Walter Underwood  (my blog)

> On May 3, 2019, at 7:54 AM, Salmaan Rashid Syed <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Solr Users,
> I am using Solr 7.6 in cloud mode with external zookeeper installed at
> ports 2181, 2182, 2183. Currently we have only one server allocated for
> Solr. We are planning to move to multiple servers for better sharing,
> replication etc in near future.
> Now the issue is that, our organisation has data indexed for different
> clients as separate collections. We want to uniquely access, update and
> index each collection separately so that each individual client has access
> to their respective collections at their respective ports. Eg:— Collection1
> at port 8983, Collection2 at port 8984, Collection3 at port 8985 etc.
> I have two options I guess, one is to run Solr in cloud mode with 4 nodes
> (max as limited by Solr) at 4 different ports. I don’t know how to go
> beyond 4 nodes/ports in this case.
> The other option is to run Solr as service and create multiple copies of
> Solr folder within the Server folder and access each Solr at different port
> with its own collection as shown by
> I am really confused as to which is the better path to choose. Please help
> me out.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Salmaan
> *Thanks and Regards,*
> Salmaan Rashid Syed
> +91 8978353445 | |
> 5550 Granite Pkwy, Suite #225, Plano TX-75024.
> Cyber Gateways, Hi-tech City, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

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