On 5/20/2019 6:25 AM, Ashwin Ramesh wrote:
Hoping to get advice on a specific issue - We have a collection of 50M
documents. We recently added a featuredAt field defined as such -

<field name="featuredAt" type="date" indexed="true" stored="false"
        multiValued="false" docValues="true"/>

What is the fieldType definition for "date"? We cannot assume that you have left this the same as Solr's sample configs.

This field is sparely populated such that only a small subset (3-5 thousand
currently) have been tagged with that field.

Did you completely reindex, or just index those few thousand records? When changing fields related to docValues, you must completely delete the old index and reindex. That's just how docValues works.

We have a business case where we want to order this content by most
recently featured -> least recently featured -> the rest of the content in
any order. However adding the `sort=featuredAt desc` param results in qTime
5000 (our hard timeout is 5000).

Is the definition of the sort parameter the ONLY difference? Are you querying on the new field? Can you share the entire query URL, or the code that produced it if you're using a Solr client? What is the before QTime?


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