On 5/20/2019 8:59 AM, Ashwin Ramesh wrote:
Hi Shawn,

Thanks for the prompt response.

1. date type def - <fieldType name="date" class="solr.DatePointField"
positionIncrementGap="0" />

2. The field is brand new. I added it to schema.xml, uploaded to ZK &
reloaded the collection. After that we started indexing the few thousand.
Did we still need to do a full reindex to a fresh collection?

3. It is the only difference. I am testing the raw URL call timing
difference with and without the extra sort.

As I understand it, the docValues data will not be correct for the existing documents if they are not all reindexed. If I am wrong, I am sure somebody will correct me. Although I would not expect that to make things slow, the internal Lucene details are not something I have a lot of insight into.


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