Try to add & to your request. It will return a section telling 
exactly what shards/replicas served that request with counts and all :)

Jan Høydahl

> 22. mai 2019 kl. 21:17 skrev Erick Erickson <>:
> You have to be a little careful here, one thing I learned relatively recently 
> is that there are in-memory structures that hold pointers to _all_ 
> un-searchable docs (i.e. no new searchers have been opened since the doc was 
> added/updated) to support real-time get. So if you’re indexing a _lot_ of 
> docs that internal structure can grow quite large….
> FWIW, delete-by-query is painful. Each one has to lock all indexing on all 
> replicas while it completes. If you can use delete-by-id it’d be better.
> Let’s back up a bit and look at _why_ your nodes go into recovery…. Leave the 
> replicas on if you can and look for “Leader Initiated Recovery” (not sure 
> that’s the exact phrase, but you’ll see something very like that). If that’s 
> the case, then one situation we’ve seen is that a request takes too long to 
> return from a follower. So the sequence looks like this:
> - leader gets update
> - leader indexes locally _and_ forwards to follower
> - follower is busy (and the delete-by-query could be why) and takes too long 
> to respond so the request times out
> - leader says “hmmm, I don’t know what happened so I’ll tell the follower to 
> recover”.
> Given your heavy update rate, there’ll be no chance for “peer sync” to fully 
> recover so it’ll go into full recovery. That can sometimes be fixed by simply 
> lengthening the timeout.
> Otherwise also take a look at the logs and see if you can find a root cause 
> for the replica going into recovery and we should see if we can fix that.
> I didn’t ask what versions of Solr you’re using, but in the 7x code line (7.3 
> IIRC) significant work was done to make recovery less likely.
> Best,
> Erick
>> On May 22, 2019, at 10:27 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> On 5/22/2019 10:47 AM, Russell Taylor wrote:
>>> I will add that we have set commits to be only called by the loading 
>>> program. We have turned off soft and autoCommits in the solrconfig.xml.
>> Don't turn off autoCommit.  Regular hard commits, typically with 
>> openSearcher set to false so they don't interfere with change visibility, 
>> are extremely important for good Solr operation.  Without it, the 
>> transaction logs will grow out of control.  In addition to taking a lot of 
>> disk space, that will cause a Solr restart to happen VERY slowly.  Note that 
>> a hard commit with openSearcher set to false will be VERY fast -- doing them 
>> frequently is usually not a problem for performance.  Sample configs in 
>> recent Solr versions ship with autoCommit set to 15 seconds and openSearcher 
>> set to false.
>> Not using autoSoftCommit is a reasonable thing to do if you do not need that 
>> functionality ... but don't disable autoCommit.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

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