It is a Unix ".." - as in parent directory. So the path would be:

And I am guessing you have installed Solr with one user and are trying
to use it with another. So, maybe a sudo is required.

Or maybe you could just download a fresh Solr install, unzip it and
run it from there. No installation required just to play around, as
long as you have Java. Installation is for more sysadmin robust setup.


On Thu, 30 May 2019 at 15:04, Bernard T. Higonnet <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed solr from ports under FreeBSD 12.0 and I am trying to
> run solr as described in the Solr Quick Start tutorial.
> I keep getting permission errors:
> /usr/local/solr/example/cloud/node2/solr/../logs  could not be created.
> Exiting
> Apart from the fact that I find it bizarre that it doesn't put its logs
> in some 'standard' writable place, the ".." perturbs me. Does it mean
> there's stuff there which I don't know what it is (but it doesn't want
> to tell me?). He knows how to write long messages so what's the problem?
> I have tried making various places writable, but clearly I don't know
> what the ".." means...
> Any help appreciated.
> Bernard Higonnet

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