On 5/30/2019 2:20 PM, Venkateswarlu Bommineni wrote:
I have got a requirement to send many strings (~1500) in the filter query
param to the solr.

Can you please provide any suggestions/precautions we need to take care in
this particular scenario.

You'll probably want to send that as a POST, where the URL parameters are in the HTTP body, not the URL. With a standard GET request, there is no body. Like most web servers, the Jetty included with Solr has an HTTP header size limit of 8192 bytes, which affects how large a URL you can use. The default size limit on the request body for POST requests is two megabytes.

Depending on which query parser it ends up using, you might also need to increase maxBooleanClauses in all your solrconfig.xml files. If this is a situation where it's all "OR" clauses, it's recommended to use the terms query parser, which has a minimum Solr version requirement of 4.10. That query parser doesn't care about maxBooleanClauses. Some later versions of Solr will automatically convert lots of OR clauses into the type of query used by the terms parser, but I do not know which versions do that.


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