@Shawn: You are right. In my case, the collection name is same as
configuration name and that is why it works. Do you know if there is some
other property that I can use that refers to the collection name instead?

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 3:52 PM Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 8/28/2019 1:42 PM, Arnold Bronley wrote:
> > I have configured the SolrCloud collection-wise only and there is no
> other
> > way. The way you have defined 3 zkHosts (comma separated values for
> zkHost
> > property), I tried that one before as it was more intuitive. But it did
> not
> > work for me. I had to use 3 different replica elements each for one of
> the
> > 3 SolrCloud clusters. source and target properties mention the same
> > collection name in my case. Instead of hardcoding it, I am using the
> > collection.configName variable which gets replaced by the collection name
> > to which this solrconfig.xml belongs to.
> I am pretty sure that ${collection.configName} refers to the
> configuration name stored in zookeeper, NOT the collection name.  There
> is nothing at all in Solr that requires those names to be the same, and
> for many SolrCloud installs, they are not the same.  If this is working
> for you, then you're probably naming your configs the same as the
> collection.  If you were to ever use the same config on multiple
> collections, that would probably stop working.
> I do not know if there is a property with the collection name.  There
> probably is.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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