10s of seconds to respond to a simple match-all query, especially to just a
single shard via using distrib=false, is very bizarre.  What's the "QTime"
on one of these? -- also super long or sub-second?

I took a brief look at your schema with a hunch.  I see you have
docValues=true on your ID field -- makes sense to me.  You also have
version=1.5 on the schema instead of 1.6.  Why did you not do 1.6?  With
1.5 useDocValuesAsStored is false by default.  try toggling the version
number to 1.6.  And try your query with "fl=id" and see how that changes
the times.

I also took a look at your solrconfig.xml with a hunch, and now think I
found the smoking gun.  I see you've modified the /select request handler
to add a bunch of defaults, including, of all things, grouping.  Thus when
you report to us your queries are simple *:* queries, the reality is far
different.  I wish people would treat /select as immutable and instead
create request handlers for their apps' needs.

Nonetheless my investigation here only reveals that your test queries are
actually very complex and thus explains their overall slowness.  We don't
know why Solr 8 performs slower than Solr 4 here.  For that I think we've
given you some tips.  Get back to a simple query and compare that.  Try
certain features in isolation (e.g. *just* the grouping).  Maybe it's
that.  You might experiment with switching "fingerprint" (the string field
you group on) from docValues=true to false to see if it's a docValues perf
issue compared to uninverting.

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 3:06 PM Russell Bahr <r...@manzama.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I ran the *:* query 10 times against all 30 servers and the results (below)
> were similar across all of them. I agree working against a single server is
> easier troubleshooting, but I do not know where to start.
> Server shard replica, Matches, Time, Pass
> 16 1 n2 2989421 78800 1
> 20 1 n1 2989559 63246 1
> 23 1 n8 2989619 55141 1
> 28 1 n6 2989619 65536 1
> 17 1 n4 2989818 56694 1
> 26 2 n10 2990088 63485 1
> 21 2 n18 2990145 68077 1
> 11 2 n16 2990145 62271 1
> 13 2 n12 2990242 68564 1
> 27 2 n14 2990242 63739 1
> 10 3 n26 2988056 69117 1
> 25 3 n24 2988056 73750 1
> 12 3 n28 2988096 61948 1
> 6 3 n20 2988123 62174 1
> 19 3 n22 2988123 65826 1
> 1 4 n30 2985457 60404 1
> 29 4 n34 2985457 68498 1
> 30 4 n38 2985604 72034 1
> 9 4 n36 2902757 65943 1
> 15 4 n32 2985948 67208 1
> 7 5 n48 2992278 63098 1
> 5 5 n42 2992363 69503 1
> 8 5 n44 2992363 66818 1
> 4 5 n40 2992397 66784 1
> 14 5 n46 2883495 58759 1
> 3 6 n56 2878221 52265 1
> 22 6 n58 2878221 53768 1
> 24 6 n52 2878326 62174 1
> 2 6 n50 2878326 53143 1
> 18 6 n54 2878326 59044 1
> Results from 10 passes
> p-solr-8-16.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard1_replica_n2/ 69697.8
> 4599.8171896
> Query time milliseconds [78800, 65549, 68045, 72151, 62774, 69168, 66459,
> 74336, 69028, 70668]
> p-solr-8-20.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard1_replica_n1/ 58310.5
> 4531.23621224
> Query time milliseconds [63246, 59626, 61001, 59366, 53028, 58693, 58832,
> 64633, 54659, 50021]
> p-solr-8-23.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard1_replica_n8/ 57778.5
> 4659.23933348
> Query time milliseconds [55141, 55194, 59100, 62614, 65425, 59261, 58961,
> 59259, 53799, 49031]
> p-solr-8-28.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard1_replica_n6/ 64944.1
> 3382.61379705
> Query time milliseconds [65536, 67825, 69829, 60059, 63616, 67588, 68443,
> 60853, 62666, 63026]
> p-solr-8-17.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard1_replica_n4/ 58018.9
> 4821.9028851
> Query time milliseconds [56694, 58900, 55404, 51590, 66034, 51256, 57109,
> 57515, 63530, 62157]
> p-solr-8-26.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard2_replica_n10/ 59366.6
> 5036.84751936
> Query time milliseconds [63485, 53315, 64845, 62077, 54313, 52607, 65389,
> 55977, 63486, 58172]
> p-solr-8-21.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard2_replica_n18/ 61844.1
> 4623.13444537
> Query time milliseconds [68077, 61117, 64284, 65393, 60580, 57495, 58068,
> 67454, 62370, 53603]
> p-solr-8-11.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard2_replica_n16/ 61179.1
> 4224.86040401
> Query time milliseconds [62271, 66059, 67076, 55706, 60905, 58617, 56561,
> 66308, 57100, 61188]
> p-solr-8-13.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard2_replica_n12/ 69578.3
> 3986.83530998
> Query time milliseconds [68564, 67411, 71644, 75938, 73772, 69780, 67438,
> 72479, 66368, 62389]
> p-solr-8-27.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard2_replica_n14/ 59808.2
> 4896.04649579
> Query time milliseconds [63739, 59873, 65775, 50280, 63009, 60955, 55516,
> 64130, 60016, 54789]
> p-solr-8-10.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard3_replica_n26/ 66038.1
> 3363.29340743
> Query time milliseconds [69117, 63766, 66189, 72059, 68751, 67644, 65027,
> 60859, 63306, 63663]
> p-solr-8-25.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard3_replica_n24/ 60566.8
> 6390.11408001
> Query time milliseconds [73750, 58849, 59947, 58810, 55752, 51790, 54871,
> 60592, 66853, 64454]
> p-solr-8-12.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard3_replica_n28/ 63456.6
> 4591.56887252
> Query time milliseconds [61948, 61372, 60570, 59961, 66818, 62124, 66880,
> 72592, 56477, 65824]
> p-solr-8-6.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard3_replica_n20/ 60869.6
> 2619.82752613
> Query time milliseconds [62174, 59369, 62098, 66974, 59552, 58757, 59728,
> 59413, 62414, 58217]
> p-solr-8-19.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard3_replica_n22/ 57122.0
> 5111.33222469
> Query time milliseconds [65826, 51309, 52595, 50432, 59987, 61371, 62022,
> 57667, 55639, 54372]
> p-solr-8-1.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard4_replica_n30/ 61678.3
> 4091.35454478
> Query time milliseconds [60404, 55604, 62858, 67807, 64320, 63962, 66846,
> 58085, 58951, 57946]
> p-solr-8-29.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard4_replica_n34/ 64042.9
> 3646.86466403
> Query time milliseconds [68498, 60725, 69115, 61942, 61398, 61874, 61255,
> 68909, 66059, 60654]
> p-solr-8-30.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard4_replica_n38/ 63116.5
> 4609.50824685
> Query time milliseconds [72034, 66459, 56206, 56873, 64180, 60061, 63122,
> 63786, 63754, 64690]
> p-solr-8-9.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard4_replica_n36/ 63432.7
> 4300.8959803
> Query time milliseconds [65943, 69316, 55002, 68917, 63472, 58904, 63211,
> 64688, 62819, 62055]
> p-solr-8-15.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard4_replica_n32/ 61906.5
> 2902.66395843
> Query time milliseconds [67208, 65850, 57653, 60862, 59523, 59620, 62713,
> 61529, 61265, 62842]
> p-solr-8-7.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard5_replica_n48/ 59892.7
> 3490.10076423
> Query time milliseconds [63098, 60924, 61086, 63765, 56105, 53150, 56886,
> 63446, 59949, 60518]
> p-solr-8-5.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard5_replica_n42/ 62159.0
> 5601.61476719
> Query time milliseconds [69503, 56827, 55902, 61201, 56940, 65581, 71914,
> 63370, 63051, 57301]
> p-solr-8-8.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard5_replica_n44/ 63823.7
> 3858.87292267
> Query time milliseconds [66818, 67892, 58788, 69172, 64827, 63549, 63268,
> 59215, 58640, 66068]
> p-solr-8-4.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard5_replica_n40/ 58128.5
> 4130.89318429
> Query time milliseconds [66784, 56183, 61574, 55183, 57776, 57367, 60974,
> 52964, 53819, 58661]
> p-solr-8-14.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard5_replica_n46/ 61351.6
> 4037.90460511
> Query time milliseconds [58759, 62324, 57665, 67046, 56590, 59296, 59116,
> 68687, 63815, 60218]
> p-solr-8-3.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard6_replica_n56/ 56639.2
> 4509.2680559
> Query time milliseconds [52265, 49244, 51974, 60207, 57325, 58683, 63489,
> 54787, 61009, 57409]
> p-solr-8-22.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard6_replica_n58/ 57532.8
> 2690.59624949
> Query time milliseconds [53768, 57966, 57145, 53659, 60496, 56692, 59881,
> 56240, 61887, 57594]
> p-solr-8-24.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard6_replica_n52/ 65245.2
> 3561.3285536
> Query time milliseconds [62174, 63386, 59160, 68495, 70150, 64167, 70341,
> 66024, 64306, 64249]
> p-solr-8-2.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard6_replica_n50/ 58632.8
> 3571.57904077
> Query time milliseconds [53143, 56298, 58081, 62260, 61433, 61427, 63434,
> 59773, 56407, 54072]
> p-solr-8-18.obscured.com:8983/solr/content_shard6_replica_n54/ 62589.2
> 4958.34174341
> Query time milliseconds [59044, 64196, 68406, 63014, 61170, 59517, 63885,
> 72458, 57918, 56284]
> Thank you,
> Russ
> *Manzama*a MODERN GOVERNANCE company
> Russell Bahr
> Lead Infrastructure Engineer
> USA & CAN Office: +1 (541) 306 3271
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> AUS Office & Support: +61 (0) 2 8417 2339
> 543 NW York Drive, Suite 100, Bend, OR 97703
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> On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 8:50 PM David Smiley <david.w.smi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I suggest first working with a single machine to see if it responds
> > substantially slower with the new version.  Just find one of yours and
> > issue it a query that will resolve locally (distrib=false param).  Your
> > current collection level queries are internally issuing such queries, and
> > so with a little bit of sleuthing, looking at logs, you can find a shard
> > level query like this.  If it's quick then there's some distributed
> aspect
> > to investigate.  But you'll probably see the slowness here, and the
> problem
> > is better scoped and easier to diagnose.  At this point look at timings
> > with debug=timing to see information on each of the components.  That may
> > give you a strong clue.  If it's in the QueryComponent which actually
> > executes the underlying search then you have some further digging to do.
> > Use a profiler like JVisualVM.
> >
> > ~ David Smiley
> > Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> > http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley
> >

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