Hi all,

I'm struggling with a little period-sign difficulty and instead of pulling
out my hair, I wonder if any of you could help me out...

Here's the query:
q=uri:"/en/blah"&fl=id,uri,children:[subquery]&children.q={!prefix f=id v=$

It just searches for a document with the field "uri" set to "/en/blah".
For every hit (just one), it tries to manually fetch the subdocuments using
the id field of the hit since its children have id's like
Note that I know this should be done with nested documents and the
ChildDocTransformer... this is just an exercise to train my brain...

The query above works fine. However, it also returns the parent document,
because the prefix search includes it as well, of course. However, if I'm
changing the subquery to something along the lines of this:

{!prefix f=id v=concat($row.id,".")}
{!prefix f=id v="$row.id\.")}
{!query defType=lucene v=concat("id:",$row.id,".")}

I get no results back.

I feel like I'm missing only a simple thing here, but can't seem to
pinpoint it.

Any help?

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