Hello, Bram.

Something like that is possible in principle, but it will take enormous
efforts to tackle exact syntax.
Why not something like children.fq=-parent:true ?

On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 8:52 PM Bram Biesbrouck <
bram.biesbro...@reinvention.be> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm struggling with a little period-sign difficulty and instead of pulling
> out my hair, I wonder if any of you could help me out...
> Here's the query:
> q=uri:"/en/blah"&fl=id,uri,children:[subquery]&children.q={!prefix f=id v=$
> row.id}&children.fl=*
> It just searches for a document with the field "uri" set to "/en/blah".
> For every hit (just one), it tries to manually fetch the subdocuments using
> the id field of the hit since its children have id's like
> <parent-id>.<child-id>.
> Note that I know this should be done with nested documents and the
> ChildDocTransformer... this is just an exercise to train my brain...
> The query above works fine. However, it also returns the parent document,
> because the prefix search includes it as well, of course. However, if I'm
> changing the subquery to something along the lines of this:
> {!prefix f=id v=concat($row.id,".")}
> or
> {!prefix f=id v="$row.id\.")}
> or
> {!query defType=lucene v=concat("id:",$row.id,".")}
> I get no results back.
> I feel like I'm missing only a simple thing here, but can't seem to
> pinpoint it.
> Any help?
> b.
> <http://www.reinvention.be> *We do video technology*
> Visit our new website! <http://www.reinvention.be> *Bram Biesbrouck*
> bram.biesbro...@reinvention.be
> +32 486 118280 <0032%20486%20118280>

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev

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