Hi Shawn,
Just checking to see if you saw my reply and had any feedback. Thank you again 
for your help. It is much appreciated.
Thank you,

From: Russell Bahr <r...@manzama.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 11:50 AM
To: "solr-user@lucene.apache.org" <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
Subject: Re: solr 8.1.1 many time slower returning query results than solr 
4.10.4 or solr 6.5.1

Hi Shawn,
I included the wrong file for solr4 and did not realize until you pointed out 
the heap size.  The correct file that is setting the Java environment is "Solr 
4 tomcat setenv" I have uploaded that to the shared folder along with the 
requested screenshots "Solr 4 top screenshot","Solr 6 top screenshot","Solr 8 
top screenshot".

I have also uploaded the solr.log, solr_gc.log, and solr_slow_requests.log from 
a 2 hour period of time where I was running the email load test against the 
solr8 implementation in which the queued tasks are taking too long to complete.

solr_gc.log, solr_gc.log.1, solr_gc.log.2, solr.log, solr.log.10, solr.log.6, 
solr.log.7, solr.log.8, solr.log.9, solr_slow_requests.log

Let me know if there is any other information that I can provide that may help 
to work through this.


Russell Bahr
Lead Infrastructure Engineer

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On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 2:28 AM Shawn Heisey 
<apa...@elyograg.org<mailto:apa...@elyograg.org>> wrote:
On 10/14/2019 1:36 PM, Russell Bahr wrote:
> Backend replacement of solr4 and hopefully Frontend replacement as well.
> solr-spec 8.1.1
> lucene-spec 8.1.1
> Runtime Oracle Corporation OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 12 12+33
> 1 collection 6 shards 5 replicas per shard 17,919,889 current documents (35 
> days worth of documents) - indexing new documents regularly throughout the 
> day, deleting aged out documents nightly.

Java 12 is not recommended.  It is one of the "new feature" releases
that only gets 6 months of support.  We would recommend Java 8 or Java
11.  These are the versions with long term support.  Probably a good
thing to be using OpenJDK, as the official Oracle Java now requires
paying for a license.

Solr 8 ships with settings that enable the G1GC collector instead of
CMS, because CMS is deprecated and will disappear in a future Java
version.  We have seen problems with this when the system is
misconfigured as far as heap size.  When the system is properly sized,
G1 tends to do better than CMS, but when the heap is too large or too
small, has a tendency to amplify garbage collection problems in comparison.

Looking at your solr.in.sh<http://solr.in.sh> files for each version ... the 
Solr 4 install
appears to be setting the heap to 512 megabytes.  This is definitely not
enough for millions of documents, and if this is what the heap size is
actually set to, would almost certainly run into memory errors
frequently and have absolutely terrible performance.  But you are saying
that it works well, so I don't think the heap is actually set to 512
megabytes.  Maybe the bin/solr script has been modified directly to set
the memory size instead of setting it in solr.in.sh<http://solr.in.sh> where it 
should be set.

Solr 6 has a heap size of just under 27 gigabytes.  Solr 8 has a heap
size of just under 8 gigabytes.  With millions of documents, it is
likely that 8GB of heap is not quite big enough.

For each of your installations (Solr 4, Solr 6, and Solr 8) can you
provide the screenshot described at this wiki page?


It would also be helpful to see the GC logs from Solr 8.  We would need
at least one GC log, making sure that they cover at least a few hours,
including the timeframe when the slow indexing and slow queries were


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