On 10/23/2019 7:43 AM, servus01 wrote:
Now Solr behaves in such a way that on the one hand the hyphens which have a
blank before and after are not indexed and also the search as soon as blank
- blank is searched does not return any results.
With the WordDelimiter I have already covered the cases like 2019-2020. But
for blank - blank i'm running out of ideas. Normally it should tokenize the
word before the hyphen the blanks with hyphen and the word after hyphen as
one token.

To figure out what's happening, we will need to see the entire analysis chain, both index and query. In order to see those, we will need the field definition as well as the referenced fieldType definition from your schema. Additional details needed: Exact Solr version and the schema version. The schema version is at the top of the schema.


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