On 10/25/2019 2:30 PM, rhys J wrote:
So I went back to one of the fields that is multi-valued, which I
explicitly did not choose when I created the field, and I re-created it.

It still made the field multi-valued as true.

Why is this?

Did you reload the core/collection or restart Solr so the new schema would take effect? If it's SolrCloud, did you upload the changes to zookeeper and then reload the collection? SolrCloud does not use config files on disk.

Assuming the answers to the above are yes, did you wipe the index and rebuild it? If not, there may be something in the Lucene index left over from existing documents that indicates the multiValued status. I do not know if that's the case, but it might be.

What is the schema version in your schema? If it's not specified, it might be 1.0. The recommended version will depend on the Solr version ... I think the latest version is 1.6, but it might have advanced to 1.7.


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