We can’t answer whether you should change the field type for two reasons:

1> It depends on your use case. 
2> we don’t know what the field type “lowercase” does. It’s composed of an 
analysis chain that you may have changed. And whatever config you are using may 
have changed with different releases of Solr.

Grouping is generally done on a docValues-eligible field type. AFAIK, 
“lowercase” is a solr-text based field so is ineligible for docValues. I’ve got 
to guess here, but I’d suggest you start with a fieldType of “string”, and 
enable docValues on it.


> On Nov 9, 2019, at 12:54 AM, Antony Alphonse <antonyaugus...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Shawn,
> I will try that solution. Also I had to mention that the queries that fail
> with this error has the "group.field":"lowercase". Should I change the
> field type?
> Thanks,
> Antony

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