On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 8:32 PM Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>

> Based on the info provided, it's hard to be certain, but reading between
> the lines here are hte assumptions i'm making...
> 1) your core name is "dbtr"
> 2) the uniqueId field for the "dbtr" core is "debtor_id"
> ..are those assumptions correct?

Yes they are. Sorry I didn't provide that from the beginning.

> Two key pieces of information that doesn't seem to be assumable from the
> imfo you've provided:
> a) What is the fieldType of the uniqueKey field in use?

It is a textField

> b) how are you determining that "The numFound: 35008"
I do a preliminary query to the solr core and print out the numFound from

 my $solrResponse = $ua->post( $solrURI );

 my $decoded = decode_json( $solrResponse->{_content} );
 my $numFound = $decoded->{response}{numFound};

> ...
> You show the code that prints out "size of solrResults: 22006" but nothing
> in your code ever prints $numFound.  there is a snippet of code at the top

I am printing numFound every time it loops. This should remain constant,
because it is the total of all documents found. It's not really necessary
that I am printing it.

The number of docs is the size that I also print, and that is 1000 every
time, until the last little bit, and then it is 6 docs found.

> of your perl logic that seems disconnected from the rest of the code which
> makes me think that before you do anything with a cursor you are already
> parsing some *other* query response to get $numFound that way...
I am running this query first, to get the cursor set:

asc&q=debt_id: 608384 OR debt_id: 393291&cursorMark=*"

This sets the cursor, and then returns a cursorMark that I start using in
order to grab 1000 documents at a time.

> ...what exactly does all the code *before* this look like? what is the
> request that you are using to get that initial '$solrResponse' that you
> are parsing to extract '$numFound'  are you sure it's exactly the same as
> the query whose cursor you are iterating over?
query from before the loop:

asc&q=debt_id: 608384 OR debt_id: 393291&cursorMark=*"

query in the loop:
608384 OR debt_id: 393291&cursorMark=AoElMTg1MzE=

I do have some logic to make sure i grab the first 1000 from the first
query, but other than that, it's a simple loop.

> It looks like you are (also) extracting 'my $numFound =
> $decoded->{response}{numFound};' on every (cusor) request ... what do you
> get if add this to your cursor loop...
>    print STDERR "numFound = $numFound at '$cursor'";
> numFound is always 35008 because that is how many total documents are
found. The number of docs in the response is the number that I care about,
because that shows me how many came back for this slice.

> ...because unless documents are being added/deleted as you iterate over
> hte cursor, the numFound value should be consistent on each request.
numFound is consistently 35008.



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