> : I am going to adjust my schema, re-index, and try again. See if that
> : doesn't fix this problem. I didn't know that having the uniqueKey be a
> : textField was a bad idea.
> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_3/other-schema-elements.html#OtherSchemaElements-UniqueKey
> "The fieldType of uniqueKey must not be analyzed...."
> (hence my comment baout "possible, but hard to get right ... you can use
> something like the KeywordTokenizer, but at that point you might as well
> use StrField except in some really esoteric special situations)
Good news. I added a field called ID, and made it string. Then I deleted
documents, re-indexed my data, and tried the search again.

Now solrResults size and numFound size are exactly the same.

Thanks for your help.


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