Thanks for the reply Hoss.
As far as our application goes, Commits and reads are done to the index during 
the normal business hours. However, we observed the max warmers error happening 
during a nightly job when the only operation is 4 parallel threads commits data 
to index and Optimizes it finally. We increased the number of warmers from 2 to 
4 after seeing the error getting solved in QA.

I am not sure what could be wrong here. Like I said, We enabled cold searchers 
option too and still I seem to be getting this.

To Answer your Questions
1. We have about 30 searchers at the most and about 6 searchers on an average.
2. The data needs to be visible to the searcher as soon as we can, which we 
make sure by committing data to the index as soon as it is added. Deletes and 
external updates to data (from other applications) are handled by the nightly 
3. The Solr server has 8 Gig ram and 4Gig VM

My Question to you is, 

when you said opening a new searcher and limiting the searcher, I am not sure I 
get how exactly that can be done via solrj! Would appreciate if you can help me 
out with that.


P.S : As far as my understanding of warmers is right, it is the threads that 
loads up the index in memory which is basically accessed by the searcher, isnt 

> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 16:09:11 -0700
> To:
> Subject: Re: Best way to prevent max warmers error
> : Subject: Best way to prevent max warmers error
> Slightly old thread, but i haven't seen any replies...
> :      We have an application with more 2.5 million docs currently. It is 
> : hosted on a single box with 8 GIG memory. The number of warmers 
> : configured are 4 and Cold-searcher is allowed too. The application is 
> the current example configs suggest 2 ... i can't honestly think of any 
> good reason to have more then that.
> There is a fairly fundemental trade off question here. the knobs
> you can adjust are:
>   a) how often new searchers are opened
>   b) how much warming you wnat to do
>   c) how powerful your hardware is
> if you are getting overlapping searchers, you can either do less warming (and 
> make 
> the first users of those searchers pay an extra cost because of the empty 
> caches) or you can open new searchers less frequently so that the warm 
> time doesn't exceed the frequency, or you can throw hardware at the 
> problem and try speed things up that way.
> deciding between a, b, and c is't really a technical question so much as a 
> business question.
> FWIW: There may be a "d) make Solr more efficient" option, and by all 
> means if you find that knob, please let the rest of us know where it is so 
> we can all turn it :)
> -Hoss

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