Could you please provide the exact command-line? It would also help if you 
could provide an autoscaling snapshot of the cluster (bin/solr autoscaling 
-save <snapshotDir>) or at least the autoscaling diagnostic info.

(Please note that the mailing list removes all attachments, so just provide a 
link to the snapshot).

> On 15 Dec 2019, at 18:42, Cao, Li <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am using solr 8.3.0 in cloud mode. I have collection level autoscaling 
> policy and the collection name is “entity”. But when I run autoscaling 
> simulation all the steps failed with this message:
>        "error":{
>          "exception":" 
> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: 
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: 
> Could not find collection : entity/shards",
>          "suggestion":{
>            "type":"repair",
>            "operation":{
>              "method":"POST",
>              "path":"/c/entity/shards",
>              "command":{"add-replica":{
>                  "shard":"shard2",
>                  "node":"my_node:8983_solr",
>                  "type":"TLOG"}}}},
>          "replicaInfo":null}}},
> Does anyone know how to fix this? Is this a bug?
> Thanks!
> Li

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