Is there a way to update documents already stored in the solr cores via csv?

The reason I am asking is because I am running into a problem with updating
via script with single quotes embedded into the field itself.


curl http://localhost:8983/solr/dbtr/update?commit=true -d '[{ "id":
"356767", "name1": {"set": "NORTH AMERICAN INT'L"},"name2": {"set": " "}}]'

I have tried the following as well:

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/dbtr/update?commit=true -d '[{ "id":
"356767", "name1": {"set": "NORTH AMERICAN INT\'L"},"name2": {"set": " "}}]'

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/dbtr/update?commit=true -d '[{ "id":
"356767", "name1": {"set": "NORTH AMERICAN INT\\'L"},"name2": {"set": "

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/dbtr/update?commit=true -d '[{ \\"id\\":
\\"356767\\", \\"name1\\": {\\"set\\": \\"NORTH AMERICAN INT\\'L\\"},}]'

All of these break on the single quote embedded in field name1.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to get around this?

I will also eventually need to get around having an & inside a field too,
but that hasn't come up yet.



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