Have you confirmed Java's -Xmx setting? (Max memory)

e.g. java -Xmx2000MB -jar start.jar

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Mark Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How much RAM in the box total? How many sort fields and what types? Sorts on
> each core?
> Willie Wong wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been having issues with out of memory errors on searches in Solr. I
>> was wondering if I'm hitting a limit with solr or if I've configured
>> something seriously wrong.
>> Solr Setup
>> - 3 cores - 3163615 documents each
>> - 10 GB size
>> - approx 10 fields
>> - document sizes vary from a few kb to a few MB
>> - no faceting is used however the search query can be fairly complex with
>> 8 or more fields being searched on at once
>> Environment:
>> - windows 2003
>> - 2.8 GHz zeon processor
>> - 1.5 GB memory assigned to solr
>> - Jetty 6 server
>> Once we get to around a few  concurrent users OOM start occuring and Jetty
>> restarts.  Would this just be a case of more memory or are there certain
>> configuration settings that need to be set?  We're using an out of the box
>> Solr 1.3 beta version.
>> A few of the things we considered that might help:
>> - Removing sorts on the result sets (result sets are approx 40,000 +
>> documents)
>> - Reducing cache sizes such as the queryResultMaxDocsCached setting,
>> document cache, queryResultCache, filterCache, etc
>> Am I missing anything else that should be looked at, or is it time to
>> simply increase the memory/start looking at distributing the indexes?  Any
>> help would be much appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> WW

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