thanks for the answer I will look into it - it is a possible explanation. 

> Am 20.01.2020 um 14:30 schrieb Erick Erickson <>:
> Jörn:
> The only thing I can think of that _might_ cause this (I’m not all that 
> familiar with the code) is if your solrconfig settings never open a searcher. 
> Either you need to be sure openSearcher is set to true in the autocommit 
> section in solrconfig.xml or your autoSoftCommit is set to something other 
> than -1. Real Time Get requires access to all segments and it takes a new 
> searcher being opened to release them. Actually, a very quick test would be 
> to submit “http://host:port/solr/collection/update?commit=true” and see if 
> the index shrinks as a result. You don’t need to change solrconfig.xml for 
> that test.
> If you are opening a new searcher, this is very concerning. There shouldn’t 
> be anything else you have to set to prevent the index from growing. Could you 
> check one thing? Compare the directory listing of the data/index directory 
> just before you shut down Solr and then just after. What I’m  interested in 
> is whether some subset of files disappears when you shut down Solr. This 
> assumes you’re running on a *nix system, if Windows you may have to start 
> Solr again to see the difference.
> So if you open a searcher and still see the problem, I can try to reproduce 
> it. Can you share your solrconfig file or at least the autocommit and cache 
> portions? 
> Best,
> Erick
>> On Jan 20, 2020, at 5:40 AM, Jörn Franke <> wrote:
>> From what is see it basically duplicates the index files, but does not 
>> delete the old ones.
>> It uses caffeine cache.
>> What I observe is that there is an exception when shutting down for the 
>> collection that is updated - timeout waiting for all directory ref counts to 
>> be released - gave up waiting on CacheDir.
>>>> Am 20.01.2020 um 11:26 schrieb Jörn Franke <>:
>>> Sorry I missed a line - not tlog is growing but the /data/index folder is 
>>> growing - until restart when it seems to be purged.
>>>> Am 20.01.2020 um 10:47 schrieb Jörn Franke <>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a test system here with Solr 8.4 (but this is also reproducible in 
>>>> older Solr versions), which has an index which is growing and growing - 
>>>> until the SolrCloud instance is restarted - then it is reduced tot the 
>>>> expected normal size. 
>>>> The collection is configured to do auto commit after 15000 ms. I expect 
>>>> the index grows comes due to the usage of atomic updates, but I would 
>>>> expect that due to the auto commit this does not grow all the time.
>>>> After the atomic updates a commit is done in any case.
>>>> I don’t see any error message in the log files, but the growth is quiet 
>>>> significant and frequent restarts are not a solution of course.
>>>> Maybe I am overlooking here a tiny configuration issue? 
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Best regards

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