
Yes, I had forgotten that Windows will not permit me to overwrite files currently in use. So my copy scripts are failing. Windows will not even allow a rename of a folder containing a file in use so I am not sure how to do this....

I am going to dig around and see what I can come up with short of stopping/restarting tomcat...

- Bill

From: "Otis Gospodnetic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 2:30 PM
To: <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Advice needed on master-slave configuration

Normally you don't have to start Q, but only "reload" Solr searcher when the index has been copied. However, you are on Windows, and its FS has the tendency not to let you delete/overwrite files that another app (Solr/java) has opened. Are you able to copy the index from U to Q? How are you doing it? Are you deleting index files from the index dir on Q that are no longer in the index dir on U?

Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
From: William Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:24:28 PM
Subject: Advice needed on master-slave configuration


I have two instances of solr running one on the master (U) and the other on the slave (Q). Q is used for queries only, while U is where updates/deletes
are done.   I am running on Windows so unfortunately I cannot use the
distribution scripts.

Every N hours when changes are committed and the index on U is updated, I
want to copy the files from the master to the slave.    Do I need to halt
the solr server on Q while the index is being updated?  If not,  how do I
copy the files into the data folder while the server is running?     Any
pointers would be greatly appreciated!


- Bill

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