Populating the field at the index time is a good option. Is there any
other way to do it in search time

Kalyan Manepalli

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan McKinley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 2:14 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: customizing results in StandardQueryHandler

I'm still not following...

Does the logic depend on the result?  That is, are you asking for doc  
A to have f1,f2 and doc B to have f1,f4?  If that is your question,  
then no -- as is, the ResponseWriter will write the same fields for  
every document.

When you say "(f2, f3, and some new data)" -- where does the "new  
data" come from?  Are you trying to augment the results of a document  
with something else?  If so, take a look at the local solr patch in:
that adds a distance calculation to each matched document.

On Oct 24, 2008, at 2:43 PM, Manepalli, Kalyan wrote:

> Ryan,
>       Actually, what I need is: I always query for a set of fields say
> (f1, f2, f3 .. f6). Now once I get the results, based on some logic, I
> need to generate the XML which is customized and contains only fields
> say (f2, f3, and some new data).
> So the fl will always be (f1 ... f6)
> Thanks,
> Kalyan Manepalli
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan McKinley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 1:25 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: customizing results in StandardQueryHandler
> isn't this just: fl=f1,f3,f4  etc
> or am I missing something?
> On Oct 24, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Manepalli, Kalyan wrote:
>> Hi,
>>      In my usecase, I query a set of fields. Then based on the
>> results, I want to output a customized set of fields. Can I do this
>> without using a search component?
>> E:g. I query for fields f1, f2, f3, f4. Now based on some
>> conditions, I
>> want to output just f1, f3, f4 (the list of final fields may vary).
>> How do I rewrite the resultant xml optimally?
>> Any thoughts on this will be helpful
>> Thanks,
>> Kalyan

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