: Using solr 8.3.0 it seems like required operator isn't functioning properly
: when default conjunction operator is AND.

You're mixing the "prefix operators" with the "infix operators" which is 
always a recipe for disaster.  

The use of q.op=AND vs q.op=OR in these examples only 
complicates the issue because q.op isn't really overriding any sort of implicit 
"infix operator" when clauses exist w/o an infix operator between them, it 
is overriding the implicit MUST/SHOULD/MUST_NOT given to each clause as 
parsed ... but in general setting q.op-AND really only makes sense when 
you expect/intend to only be using "infix operators"

This write up i did several years ago is still very accurate -- the bottom 
line is you REALLY don't want to mix infix and prefix operators..


...because the results of mixing them really only "make sense" given the 
context that the parser goes left to right (ie: no precedence) and has 
no explicit "prefix" operator syntax for "SHOULD"


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