edismas is quite different from straight Lucene.

Try attaching &debug=query to the input and
you’ll see the difference.


> On May 30, 2020, at 12:32 AM, gnandre <arnoldbron...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have following query which works fine as a lucene query:
> +(topics:132)^0.02607211 (topics:146)^0.008187325
> -asset_id:doc:en:index.html
> But, it does not work if I use it as a solr query with lucene as defType.
> For it to work, I need to convert it like following:
> q=+((topics:132)^0.02607211 (topics:146)^0.008187325
> +(-(asset_id:doc\:en\:index.html))&defType=edismax&q.op=OR
> Why does it not work as is? AFAIK syntax given in the first query is
> supported by edismax.

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