First off: Forgive me if my comments/questions are redundent or uninformed 
bsaed o nthe larger discussion taking place.  I have not 
caught up on the whole thread before replying -- but that's solely based 
on a lack of time on my part, not a lack of willingness to embrace this 

>From skimming a handful of messages in this thread, there's one aspect of 
the discussion -- particularly in the context of "should we or should we 
not re-use / overlap with 'SolrCloud' terminology" -- that seems (from 
limited review) to be getting overlooked...

Even today, before you start to consider if/what to replace the M & S 
terms with, we've already reach the point where the 
replication/IndexFetcher code can use those tems in confusing/missleading 
ways -- particularly in the context of SolrCloud, recovery, backups, 

I think a meaningful conversation about retiring the existing terminology 
should probably take into account at least 3 distinct questions:

#1 - what terminology should be used/expected/documented in non-SolrCloud 
usage of explicitly configuring "classic" ReplicationHandler in 
solrconfig.xml ?

#2 - what terminology should be used in the source code of
ReplicationHandler / IndexFetcher related code?

#3 - what terminology should be used in the *log* messages of 
ReplicationHandler / IndexFetcher related code? and (# 3a) should that 
terminology vary based on the type of cluster and when/why/how the 
replication code is being used?

In reverse order: My personal answers would be:

#3a - yes

#3 - I think we can & should tweak the replication code to understand 
the context it's being used in and adjust it's log/error messages accordingly

#2 - w/o digging into the code in depth here, i supect something like 
"remoteSource + localDest" would probably work well in the context of 
"index fetching"  -- or even just simply "fetchSource", w/o any need for a 
'slave' term equivilent because the context is usually just "local".  ... 
i don't think there any contexts where it really matters but 
"replicationSource + replicationDest" code be more generic terms for 
situations where the code isn't specifically a "I am a core that's doing 
fetching" context (alternatively: "remoteSource + localDest" could have 
parity with "localSource + remoteDest" if there are any situations i'm not 
thinking of where we "push" an index)

#1 - this is the least interesting question to me personally (given that 
we are moving away from it in general in favor of solr cloud), but i think 
in the context of how the terms are used in solrconfig.xml even the 
original M & S terms have never really made much sense if you look at 
where/how they are used in the configuration -- particularly in the 
context of the "repeater" use case.  I would suggest as a straw man 
replacing the 'name="master"' config block with a 
'name="provideSnapshots"' block using hte same options; and replace the 
'name="slave"' config block with 'name="fetchSnapshots"' config block, 
using mostly the same options, except replacing 'masterUrl' with 


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