I'm following this thread now for a while and I can understand
the wish to change some naming/wording/speech in one or the other
programs but I always get back to the one question:
"Is it the weapon which kills people or the hand controlled by
the mind which fires the weapon?"

The thread started with slave - slavery, then turned over to master
and followed by leader (for me as a german... you know).
What will come next?

And more over, we now discuss about changes in the source code and
due to this there need to be changes to the documentation.
What about the books people wrote about this programs and source code,
should we force this authors to rewrite their books?
May be we should file a request to all web search engines to reject
all stored content about these "banned" words?
And contact all web hosters about providing bad content.

To sum things up, within my 40 years of computer science and writing
programs I have never had a nanosecond any thoughts about words
like master, slave, leader, ... other than thinking about computers
and programming.

Just my 2 cents.

For what it is worth, I tend to guide/follower if there "must be" any changes.


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