On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 9:46 AM Oakley, Craig (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C]
<craig.oak...@nih.gov.invalid> wrote:
> In attempting to stress-test CDCR (running Solr 7.4), I am running into a 
> couple of issues.
> One is that the tlog files keep accumulating for some nodes in the CDCR 
> system, particularly for the non-Leader nodes in the Source SolrCloud. No 
> quantity of hard commits seem to cause any of these tlog files to be 
> released. This can become a problem upon reboot if there are hundreds of 
> thousands of tlog files, and Solr fails to start (complaining that there are 
> too many open files).
> The tlogs had been accumulating on all the nodes of the CDCR set of 
> SolrClouds until I added these two lines to the solrconfig.xml file (for 
> testing purposes, using numbers much lower than in the examples):
> <int name="numRecordsToKeep">5</int>
> <int name="maxNumLogsToKeep">2</int>
> Since then, it is mostly the non-Leader nodes of the Source SolrCloud which 
> accumulates tlog files (the Target SolrCloud does seem to have a tendency to 
> clean up the tlog files, as does the Leader of the Source SolrCloud). If I 
> use ADDREPLICAPROP and REBALANCELEADERS to change which node is the Leader, 
> and if I then start adding more data, the tlogs on the new Leader sometimes 
> will go away, but then the old Leader begins accumulating tlog files. I am 
> dubious whether frequent reassignment of Leadership would be a practical 
> solution.
> I also have several times attempted to simulate a production environment by 
> running several loops simultaneously, each of which inserts multiple records 
> on each iteration of the loop. Several times, I end up with a dozen records 
> on (both replicas of) the Source which never make it to (either replica of) 
> the Target. The Target has thousands of records which were inserted before 
> the missing records, and thousands of records which were inserted after the 
> missing records (and all these records, the replicated and the missing, were 
> inserted by curl commands which only differed in sequential numbers 
> incorporated into the values being inserted).
> I also have a question regarding SOLR-13141: the 11/Feb/19 comment says that 
> the fix for Solr 7.3 had a problem; and the header says "Affects Version/s: 
> 7.5, 7.6": does that indicate that Solr 7.4 is not affected?
> Are  there any suggestions?
> Thanks

Just going to "me too" where i've had (non cdcr) installs accumulate
tlogs until eventual rebuilds or crashes.

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