For the record, it is not just Solr7.4 which has the problem. When I start 
afresh with Solr8.5.2, both symptoms persist.

With Solr8.5.2, tlogs accumulate endlessly at the non-Leader nodes of the 
Source SolrCloud and are never released regardless of maxNumLogsToKeep setting

And with Solr8.5.2, if four scripts run simultaneously for a few minutes, each 
script running a loop each iteration of which adds batches of 6 records to the 
Source SolrCloud, a couple dozen records wind up on the Source without ever 
arriving at the Target SolrCloud (although the Target does have records which 
were added after the missing records).

Does anyone yet have any suggestion how to get CDCR to work properly?

-----Original Message-----
From: Oakley, Craig (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] <> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 9:46 AM
Subject: CDCR stress-test issues

In attempting to stress-test CDCR (running Solr 7.4), I am running into a 
couple of issues.

One is that the tlog files keep accumulating for some nodes in the CDCR system, 
particularly for the non-Leader nodes in the Source SolrCloud. No quantity of 
hard commits seem to cause any of these tlog files to be released. This can 
become a problem upon reboot if there are hundreds of thousands of tlog files, 
and Solr fails to start (complaining that there are too many open files).

The tlogs had been accumulating on all the nodes of the CDCR set of SolrClouds 
until I added these two lines to the solrconfig.xml file (for testing purposes, 
using numbers much lower than in the examples):
<int name="numRecordsToKeep">5</int>
<int name="maxNumLogsToKeep">2</int>
Since then, it is mostly the non-Leader nodes of the Source SolrCloud which 
accumulates tlog files (the Target SolrCloud does seem to have a tendency to 
clean up the tlog files, as does the Leader of the Source SolrCloud). If I use 
ADDREPLICAPROP and REBALANCELEADERS to change which node is the Leader, and if 
I then start adding more data, the tlogs on the new Leader sometimes will go 
away, but then the old Leader begins accumulating tlog files. I am dubious 
whether frequent reassignment of Leadership would be a practical solution.

I also have several times attempted to simulate a production environment by 
running several loops simultaneously, each of which inserts multiple records on 
each iteration of the loop. Several times, I end up with a dozen records on 
(both replicas of) the Source which never make it to (either replica of) the 
Target. The Target has thousands of records which were inserted before the 
missing records, and thousands of records which were inserted after the missing 
records (and all these records, the replicated and the missing, were inserted 
by curl commands which only differed in sequential numbers incorporated into 
the values being inserted).

I also have a question regarding SOLR-13141: the 11/Feb/19 comment says that 
the fix for Solr 7.3 had a problem; and the header says "Affects Version/s: 
7.5, 7.6": does that indicate that Solr 7.4 is not affected?

Are  there any suggestions?


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