On 03/07/2020 09:50, Thomas Corthals wrote:
> I think this should go in the ref guide. If your product depends on this
> behaviour, you want reassurance that it isn't going to change in the next
> release. Not everyone will go looking through the javadoc to see if this is
> implied.

This is in the ref guide. Section DocValues. Here's the quote:

DocValues are only available for specific field types. The types chosen
determine the underlying Lucene
docValue type that will be used. The available Solr field types are:
• StrField, and UUIDField:
◦ If the field is single-valued (i.e., multi-valued is false), Lucene
will use the SORTED type.
◦ If the field is multi-valued, Lucene will use the SORTED_SET type.
Entries are kept in sorted order and
duplicates are removed.
• BoolField:
◦ If the field is single-valued (i.e., multi-valued is false), Lucene
will use the SORTED type.
© 2019, Apache Software Foundation
 Guide Version 7.7 - Published: 2019-03-04
Page 212 of 1426
 Apache Solr Reference Guide 7.7
◦ If the field is multi-valued, Lucene will use the SORTED_SET type.
Entries are kept in sorted order and
duplicates are removed.
• Any *PointField Numeric or Date fields, EnumFieldType, and
◦ If the field is single-valued (i.e., multi-valued is false), Lucene
will use the NUMERIC type.
◦ If the field is multi-valued, Lucene will use the SORTED_NUMERIC type.
Entries are kept in sorted order
and duplicates are kept.
• Any of the deprecated Trie* Numeric or Date fields, EnumField and
◦ If the field is single-valued (i.e., multi-valued is false), Lucene
will use the NUMERIC type.
◦ If the field is multi-valued, Lucene will use the SORTED_SET type.
Entries are kept in sorted order and
duplicates are removed.
These Lucene types are related to how the values are sorted and stored.

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