raj.yadav wrote
> In cases for which we are getting this warning, I'm not able to extract
> the
> `exact solr query`. Instead logger is logging `parsedquery ` for such
> cases.
> Here is one example:
> ````
> 2020-09-29 13:09:41.279 WARN  (qtp926837661-82461) [c:mycollection
> s:shard1_0 r:core_node5 x:mycollection_shard1_0_replica_n3]
> o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Query: [+FunctionScoreQuery(+*:*, scored by
> boost(product(if(max(const(0),
>                 sub(float(my_doc_value_field1),const(500))),const(0.01),
> if(max(const(0),sub(float(my_doc_value_field2),const(290))),const(0.2),const(1))),
> sqrt(product(sum(const(1),float(my_doc_value_field3),float(my_doc_value_field4)),
>                 sqrt(sum(const(1),float(my_doc_value_field5))))))))
> #BitSetDocTopFilter]; The request took too long to iterate over doc
> values.
> Timeout: timeoutAt: 1635297585120522 (System.nanoTime():
> 1635297690311384),
> DocValues=org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene80.Lucene80DocValuesProducer$8@7df12bf1
> ````

Hi Community members,

In my previous mail, I had mentioned that solr is not logging actual
`solr_query` and instead its only logging parsedquery. Actually, solr is
logging the solr_query just after logging above warning message.

Coming back to the above query for which we are getting above warning:
QUERY => retrieve all docs (i.e q = *:*) and ordered them using
multiplicative boost function (i.e boost functional query). So this clearly
rules out the possibility mentioned by Erick (i.e query might be searching
against field which has indexed=false and docValue=true). 

Is this expected on using doc values for the functional query? This is only
happening when the query is retrieving  large number of documents (in
millions).  Has anyone else faced this issue before? We are experiencing
this issue even when there is no load on the system.


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