Separately, and in parallel to Erick's question: indeed I'm not aware
of any way to do this currently, but I *can* imagine cases where this
would be useful. I have a sense this could be cleanly implemented as a
stat facet function

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/portal/select -d \
  tour: \"exists(+categoryId:6000 -categoryId:(6061 21493 8510))\"

The return value of the `exists` function could be boolean, which
would be semantically clearer than capping count to 1, as I gather
`facet.exists` does. For the same reason, implementing this as a
function would probably be better than adding this functionality to
the `query` facet type, which carries certain useful assumptions (the
meaning of the "count" attribute in the response, the ability to nest
stats and subfacets, etc.) ... just thinking out loud at the moment

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 9:17 AM Erick Erickson <> wrote:
> This really sounds like an XY problem. The whole point of facets is
> to count the number of documents that have a value in some
> number of buckets. So trying to stop your facet query as soon
> as it matches a hit for the first time seems like an odd thing to do.
> So what’s the “X”? In other words, what is the problem you’re trying
> to solve at a high level? Perhaps there’s a better way to figure this
> out.
> Best,
> Erick
> > On Oct 28, 2020, at 3:48 AM, michael dürr <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use json facets of type 'query'. As these queries are pretty slow and I'm
> > only interested in whether there is a match or not, I'd like to restrict
> > the query execution similar to the standard facetting (like with the
> > facet.exists parameter). My simplified query looks something like this (in
> > reality *:* may be replaced by a complex edismax query and multiple
> > subfacets similar to "tour" occur):
> >
> > curl http://localhost:8983/solr/portal/select -d \
> > "q=*:*\
> > &json.facet={
> >  tour:{
> >    type : query,
> >     q: \"+(+categoryId:6000 -categoryId:(6061 21493 8510))\"
> >  }
> > }\
> > &rows=0"
> >
> > Is there any possibility to modify my request to ensure that the facet
> > query stops as soon as it matches a hit for the first time?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Michael

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